Celebrating 50 Years of The Blackstones we present this spectacular showcase! Featuring alongside us: Frenchie King, Amanda J Christos & The Sounds Of Melodies, The Duke Sparky Melody, Tenna Star, O J Simpson, Jay...

The Blackstones live radio interview Sunday 19 May 2024 - listen: [audio mp3="https://www.amandajchristos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/blackstones-with-esta-selekta-live-on-rzhradio.com_.mp3"][/audio] Esta Selekta from RZH Radio Netherlands featuring Amanda J Christos & The Sounds of Melodies, Frenchie King, The Duke Sparky Melody...

The Blackstones, Frenchie King & Amanda J. Christos with Diane at Radio Fresh FM interview today....

Listen to the band and crew and I talk about their new album coming out this year [video width="640" height="352" mp4="https://www.theblackstonesreggae.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Blackstones-to-the-fans-new-album-coming-in-2023.mp4"][/video]...